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Santa was Good to MSI

Santa was Good to MSI

As demands for our services increase, our capabilities are increasing, as well. The last few weeks have brought some new equipment to better serve requests for metal processing needs. 

Pictured are our new Grizzly auto-feed surface grinder, a new Hass CNC Milling Machine, and an almost-new Haas CNC Lathe.  These new machines barely scratch the surface on what MSI does for our clients. 

Is your production is experiencing issues around sufficient space, trained workforce, time constraints, consistent quality or process efficiency expertise?  Join those who have found that MSI is the right solution for scaling-up, scaling down, and getting their product delivered on-time.   

MSI advertises that “Solutions is our Middle Name”.  Our ability to provide solutions to manufacturers has just ratcheted up another notch.  What can MSI do for you?  Contact Keith Koehler at 802-888-9740, or email

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