Almost every day, we’re asked, “What does MSI do?”  Although generally correct, the response of, “Practically anything”, tends to leave an inquirer with even more questions.

Seeing is believing.  We host tours of MSI to interested companies, individuals and students so they may experience the sights, smells, sounds and feel of MSI in-action.  We recognize however, that not everyone has the flexibility to travel to scenic northern Vermont to visit MSI in person.  So, we’ve decided to share some of the diversity of our experiences and capabilities on-line.  

We’re calling our new periodic post, “What is MSI Doing Today?” This series will not necessarily reflect the extent of what we are actually doing on a given day.  It’s intended to share some of the variety of products and processes that MSI helps other manufacturers to complete on-time and with a 100% Zero-Defect Guarantee.

Today we’re completing and testing a fairly simple cable assembly for a New England-based electronics company.

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MSI – Solutions is our Middle Name.